Sponsored By: Mobile Marine Inc.
Non–Profit Organizations FREE
For–Profit Business $ 50.00
Political Candidates $ 100.00
Please register by June 9th
We would like you to be a part of the East Jordan Freedom Festival 2024 Block Party by having a booth downtown in Memorial Park, Spring Street & the Harbor Parking Lot. The event will take place on Friday, June 21, 2024 from 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM. The festival committee opens this night up for our local non-profit organizations, clubs, groups and churches at no cost. We invite you to have a food booth, set up a game or an activity as a way to generate some extra money for your organization. The theme of the 2024 Freedom Festival is Salute Old Glory.
We ask that you have your idea or menu pre-approved so that we do not have more than one group doing the same game or selling the same items. If you choose to do food, please just choose one main item (we will only allow one group to sell that main item). You may sell your main item as part of a plate or basket dinner. Example: You may sell a Hot Dog with Chips & a pickle. Only one group will be allowed to sell Hot Dogs. Main food items and games will be approved on a first come first serve basis.
Remember you will need to provide everything for your space, from the table, chairs, canopy, condiments, table wear and table covering to any displays. There are picnic tables located throughout the park for people to use. Also, if you choose to do a food booth your organization will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate license from the State of Michigan. If you have any questions about the license, you can contact the Department of Health at 231-547-6523 and select the prompt for environmental health.
Your booth must be manned at all times. The East Jordan Freedom Festival, the City of East Jordan or the Festival Committee Members will NOT be responsible for your money, or your booth.
Below is the Block Party June 21, 2024 Registration form that needs to be filled out with your organization’s Certificate of Liability Insurance that covers the dates of the festival.
If you have any questions or are interested in having a booth at the East Jordan Freedom Festival 2024 Friday Night Block Party contact Heather Jackson by at 231-536-9745.
Block Party Sponsored by: Mobile Marine Service